Watch Out For These Brands: Amazon and Flipkart


Watch Out For These Brands: Amazon and Flipkart

In this article, we will be discussing how Flipkart and Amazon are taking the share of digital brands to know the depth of consumer purchase behavior. 

In India, e-commerce has grown at a rapid pace in the previous 4-5 years. This growth has led to the sprouting of various digital brands. Few brands gained immense popularity through Amazon and Flipkart as India’s new shopping stopping place. This has reached out to around 150-200 million online buyers to achieve a stable top line.

They Know it All!!

The above-mentioned digital brands have actively collaborated with Amazon and Flipkart to enhance their business with catchy consumer pricing, consumer promos, mind-blowing discount offers, and spontaneous and disciplined introductions of new products or subcategories. The lesser-known fact is that their presumed business partner will dig into their sales by introducing their private labels.

If (which has over a hundred private labels) is any indication, Amazon and Flipkart will develop their brand products in the majority of categories, taking market share from lesser-known digital firms. A critic would say that it is difficult to displace a popular product or brand in the consumer sector and that dislodging these brands is easier than it sounds. Unlike traditional retailers, Amazon and Flipkart know their customer’s choices and search history. They know what their customers want, their buying habits, and their journey on online platforms. The most convenient way to do this or the strategy behind this” know it all” is the collection of consumer feedback, reviews, and ratings for every product or service they provide and deliver. 

If we see in a layman’s eyes the collection of data through various methods is nothing but a privacy breach. There are endless possibilities that can be exploited against the consumer but the main points have been highlighted below:-

  • Optimization of products and their descriptions are done with the most searched keywords in every category. This process ensures that the private labels of these e-commerce sites are easily visible and discoverable in the ranking order.
  • These two e-commerce sites can analyze the customer feedback of any product to know the essential pointers like what customer wants in order of quality, and usage so that they can utilize that information to produce the perfect or desirable product for the consumers and set the ideal pricing for the same.
  • This marketing strategy will lead consumers to buy from sites like Amazon and Flipkart rather than buying from lesser-known digital brands. One more reason for customers to buy certain products from these e-commerce sites is faster delivery and return policy which lesser-known digital brands don’t provide.

Here comes the most intriguing question that is “ What choices are left for those lesser-known brands who have invested their time, blood, and sweat to scale their business and bring it up to a certain level?” 

Well, the answer can be” they need to immediately start spreading their sales pipelines and should focus only on specific brands. This process will help them not to be dependent on Amazon and Flipkart and will also give customers reach up to 750+ million customers who still prefer buying things from lesser-known brands in offline mode.

The second thing can be, Heavy engagement. They need to start engaging and marking their customers through investment information of brands that will produce top-notch level reliability in long run.

Concluding Words

Cutting the long story short, Amazon and Flipkart are fetching details and gaining more profit and reach from these digital brands by using marketing strategies to understand the importance of categories and study the consumer purchase behavior which leads to an explosion of launching their private labels and brands. Talking about reality and facts, not every digital brand will have enough resources or the capacity to do the above-said process and therefore the only legit thing that can be done is to go with the flow to exist. From the swarm of brands, only a few will create their niche and stand out from the crowd which will create a sustainable profit line.

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