Yuved Technology

Case Studies

Digital Marketing Revoutionizing ROI Growth for Pet Products

At the core, marketing is all about communicating with the customers in their lingo. But to do that, brands need to reach out to their target audience first. The pet industry is dynamic and the competition is cut-throat. With the inception of a global pandemic, different brands in the pet industry struggled with their outreach. Markets shrunk and whitespaces became the only space that was known to pet supply businesses. To help brands keep their marketing channels intact and to shorten the turnaround time for closing deals, Yuved Technology successfully jotted down a pragmatic marketing approach for online stores in the pet industry.

Marketing Ensemble of Himalayan Pet Supply

Marketing Ensemble of Himalayan Pet Supply

Growth Blueprint of Holistic Hound

Growth Blueprint of Holistic Hound

Digital Marketing Framework of WellPUR Pets

Digital Marketing Framework of WellPUR Pets